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Ey ljudi na drugom "brojil" mi je bilo oko 100 ljudi ali se izbriso tak da sam stavila novi i on ide od nule.....
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Mladi pisac

Ljudi totgeliebt


lyrics - totgeliebt

slikice tj. animacije

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Spring Nicht Tokio Hotel lyrics
Artist: Tokio Hotel
Album: Zimmer 483
Year: 2007
Title: Spring Nicht Print

Über den Dächern,
ist es so kalt,
und so still.
Ich schweig Deinen Namen,
weil Du ihn jetzt,
nicht hören willst.
Der Abgrund der Stadt,
verschlingt jede Träne die fällt.
Da unten ist nichts mehr,
was Dich hier oben noch hällt.

Ich schrei in die Nacht für Dich,
lass mich nicht im Stich,
Spring nicht.
Die lichter fangen Dich nicht,
sie betrügen Dich.
Spring nicht.
Erinner Dich,
an Dich und mich.
Die Welt da unten zählt nicht,
Bitte spring nicht.

In Deinen Augen,
scheint alles sinnlos und leer.
Der Schnee fällt einsam,
Du spürst ihn schon lange nicht mehr.
Irgendwo da draussen,
bist Du verloren gegangen.
Du träumst von dem Ende,
um nochmal von vorn anzufangen.

Ich schrei in die Nacht für Dich,
lass mich nicht im Stich
Spring nicht.
Die lichter fangen Dich nicht,
sie betrügen Dich.
Spring nicht.
Erinner Dich,
an Dich und mich.
Die Welt da unten zählt nicht,
Bitte spring nicht.

Ich weiss nicht wie lang,
Ich Dich halten kann.
Ich weiss nicht wie lang.

Nimm meine Hand,
wir fangen nochmal an.
Spring nicht.

Ich schrei in die Nacht für Dich,
lass mich nicht im Stich
Spring nicht.
Die lichter fangen Dich nicht,
sie betrügen Dich.
Spring nicht.
Erinner Dich,
an Dich und mich.
Die Welt da unten zählt nicht,
Bitte spring nicht.

Spring nicht.
Und hält Dich das auch nicht zurück.
Dann spring ich für Dich

utorak, 18.03.2008.


Evo napokon novi post :D
na pocetku sry kaj nisam pisala duuugooo ali mi se komp strgo (ponovo) tak da nisam mogl na net :(((
al sad mogu :D
tak da evo spotovi...slike i ak nadem onda neki intervjuici :P

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hahah ovaj video je bas slatki :P
mislim smjesan ali slatki i to..ugl cim su oni odma je slatki xD
aaaaw <3 tu je takooo sladaaak :D bill naravno :P (ok i tom xD)
ok trenutno nemam bas nekaj puno vremena tak da nastavim sutra..
Volim vas sve i tnx na svim komentarimaa :DD

- 22:12 - Komentari (30) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 07.01.2008.

Napokon novi post nakon tooolko dugo vremena :P

evo ljudi moji napokon imam novi post..ko bi reko...
hehehe evo zato jer me nije bilo dugoooo sada slijedi duuugi post xD
ok pocinjem s videimaa :D :D (hehe fave dio xD)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK-PavnM8A8(a jadan to je odmah nakon tjedna di ga je grlo ubijalo :(... )
NOVIII SPOT 1000 MEERE ( ovo je spot iii u live verziji) oba dva su super tak daa pogledajte obaveznooo!!!!
ok stavila sam sam dva spota al nema veze xD
al sad poslasticaaa :D
SLIKEEEEEE (slike su preslatkeee :) obozavam ih (to im je s odmoraa)
MY SEXY BOY BILL (papa sladoled xD) :Dcerekcerekcerekcerek
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-tom i bill na pijesku :P

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imaju iste kupace sam razlicite boje xD)
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-neki jacuzzi ili nekaj nisam ziher..ugl bill pije neki sok a tom uziva
-Bill se skriva iza toma
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(lol dobro su oni jos gradeni :)))
-tu su na nekim klupicama xD (puse i piju)
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-u moru x ) ova slika mi je malo smjesna zato jer su oboje cudno ispali xD
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-Tom u moru
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ok to je to za slike :)
sad jos pokoji intervjuic i mozete pocet komentirat :D
i evo uglavnom su malo stariji intervjui ali nea veze :)
BRAVO:Prije svega decki hvala sto ste pristali na ovaj intervju znamo da ste jako zauzeti.
Bill:Ma nema problema hvala vama.
Tom:Slazem se sa billom.
Gustav i Georg u glas:I ja!!!
Bravo:Prvo da vas decki pitamo sto mislite o Billovim noktima,i sta ti Bill mislis o tome?
Bill:Joj,pa ni ja ne znam zasto su fanovi tako reagirali,ne znam zasto nekima smetaju moji nokti to stvarno nema smisla,ja sam ostao isti samo nisu moji nokti pa to i nije neka velika stvar,ne?
Tom:Ma ni meni se ne svidjaju bas billovi nokti ali njegov izbor ali nece on to uvijek nositi,osim toga on je musko a ne zensko ili je???(smijeh Tom se valja po podu a bill ga tuce)Ma sala joj pa to nije nista posebno ako neko iz grupe promjeni velicinu ili boju noktiju.
Bravo:Tom rekli su da si na festivalu u Madjarkoj bio jako neraspolozen i namrgodjen??
Tom:Ma ne stvarno,mi samo izlazimo iz auta i novinari nas okupiraju,i ja ako napravim neku tuznu facu odmah pisu svakakve gluposti,ne stvarno samo sam bio malo umoran a inace suuper nam je bilo u Madjarskoj.
Bravo:A cure,imate li cure novine pisuu da ste vi zauzeti(Bill i Tom)
Bill:NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,stvarno nismo joj pa to bi nasi fanovi znali,a i novinari pisu da cemo poslije turneje biti sa tim „djevojkama“a mi uopce nemamo djevojke stvarno,zato fanovi ne brinite
Tom:Ma da ja nemam sta reci nakon svog inteligentnog brata(smijeh,svi se smiju)Osim da bill ima curu kojuu dugo krije hehhe(opet se svi smiju)ma salim se joj mozda se mi zaljubimo na europskoj turneji.
Bravo:A da nam napokon opisete te vase cure iz snova:
Tom:Ja cu prvi.Ovako,visoka oko 1.70,teska oko 50 kg,smedje ili zelene oci,smedja duga kosa,mora biti bar malo zgodna i moramo se dobro slagati,eto tako bi trebala izgledati otprilike i da godina od 14-17
Bill:A moja kao i Tomova,sve isto samo sto ja volim plave oci il zelene ali i smedje su ok,joj bilo bi dobro da si nadjemo ja i tom kakve blizanke ili bar malo slicne
Gustav:Ma u mene nije bitna duzina kose boja ociju,ili tako nes djevojka moze biti lijepa i sa crvenom i crnom kosom itd,oko 15-18 godina i tako zgodna,ma nisam ja zahtjevan(smijeh)
Georg:Ma joj plava,visoka,zgodna,smedje oci,od 16-20 godina,i tako.
Bravo:Tom rekao si da se mozda zaljubite na europskoj turneji to vam znaci ne bi smetalo da je cura iz Albanije npr?
Tom:Ma ne ne bi nam smetalo da je nasa „ljubav“iz albanije,makedonije,bosne,hrvatske ili njemacke to stvarno nije bitno,jedini bi problem bio to sto smo jako daleko ali i to bi se rijesilo.
Bill:Da slazem se sa tomom i to bi se rijesilo dopisivali bi smo se mailom,zvali telefonom,mi bi cesce dolazili u tu drzavu itd.A kad ona napuni 18 neka dodje u njemacku kod nas(svi se opet smiju)Ja to mislim ozbiljno
Tom:I jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bravo:Ok,decki evo vidim da zurite pa vas necemo ometati,hvala jos jednom
Svi u glas :HVALA I VAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom , koliko ti gitara treba za turneju?
Tom: Ukupno 14.Svaka gitara je za posebnu pjesmu,a 2 su kao dodatak.
Gustav: Kakvo pokazivanje..... Tom ima toliko gitara samo da bi se pokazao.

Što volite raditi na pozornici?
Bill: Smatram da je veoma cool da pozovem djevojku na pozornicu tokom "schrei". Radost i suze ovih djevojaka su baš slatke.
Tom: Veoma je cool kada testiramo nove pjesme uživo ,a fanovi su uvijek oduševljeni. Pjesme „Thema #1” i „Frei Im Freien Fall” su prošle odlično!

Na netu mnogo cura blati Tolu i Aliciju iz Bloga 27. Možete li
ih nagovoriti da to ne rade!
Bill: Pa da , očigledno je da fanovi to čine, samo zato što su one bile na turneji s nama i djelile backstage. Ali to je potpuno nepotrebno.Alicija i Tola su fine djevojke. Jedva da smo se upoznali s njim lice u lice na turneji.

Ali također su imali dvije plesačice ...
Tom:*smjeh* Da, one su pravo slatke, ali se ništa ni s njima nije desilo. Vidjeli smo ih na kratko i progovorili par riječi.To je sve!!

Backstage uopče nije luksuzan...
Georg: Mi smo skromni u tome, obično imamo male svlačionice. Jedino sto je luksuzno je stolni tenis i stolni nogomet.
Tom:Nemamo ni velikih zahtjeva oko hrane. Glavno što treba da bude je Red Bull , tjestenina i hamburgeri.

Koliko blizu dozvolite svojim fanovima da vam priđu?
Tom: Buka oko TH je velika. Pokušavamo da ne dođemo u ginesovu besmisleno, zato smo u posljednje vrijeme povlačimo nazad. Ako nas fanovi čekaju ispred hotela mi naravno odvojimo vremena da im podjelimo autograme. Kontakt s fanovima nam je veoma važan.

Jeste li vec imali djevojku koja je spavala u vašoj hotelskoj sobi?
Georg: Ne, to nije nas stil! Ne možeš nas dobiti tako lako. Još nismo ni isprobali grupies.

Što će biti sa Tokio Hotelom poslije turneje?
Gustav: Prvo u Aprilu ćemo imati 2 tjedna odmora i opuštanja, a poslije toga idemo u studio da snimimo novi album.
INTERVJU BROJ 3BRAVO: Da li biste se zeljeli ozeniti jednog dana?
Tom: Tesko za zamisliti…Vjenčanja su staromodna…Da li postoji prava ljubav? Ne znam…
Bill: Ja vjerujem u nju!!!
Tom: Ja stvarno ne znam…Ostati s curom duze vrijeme je OK, ali zauvijek? Mislim…postoje ljudi koji su zajedno od 16 godine pa sve do smrti (tako cemo ja i ti…hahahah)
Bill: Ja vjerujem da prava ljubav postoji, ali je nazalost jos nisam pronasao…
Gerorg: Htio bi se sto kasnije ozeniti…U jednu ruku to je zalosno i ogranicavanje sebe - zato je zelim upoznati sto kasnije. U drugu ruku to je nesto prekrasno. Ako postoji negdje on prava za tebe, savrsena, tada mora sve ici uredu.
Tom: Imam izmijesane osjecaje kada ljudi su konstantno jedni drugima. Uvijek se slagati pa kome to uspijeva?(izgleda da cemo mi probiti led hahaha) Evo da malo osvjezim ovu borbu…Ja cu se ozeniti tek sa 60 (smije se…)
Gustav: Trenutno ni ja sebe ne mogu zamisliti ozenjenog….(ni ja isto…)
Bill: Ja bih se jedino zenio ako bi vjencanje bilo fora.

BRAVO:Kako to mislis Bill?
Bill: Njezina vjencanica bi trebala biti crveno-crna, crni make-up. I da ne bude one staromodne formalne muzike. I ja bih htio imati vjencani tattoo prsten…

BRAVO: A sta je sa djecom?
Georg: Ja bih htio imati dvoje…Prvo musko, pa zensko.
Bill: Pa…trenutno se ne mogu zamisliti da imam djecu.
Tom: Ni ja isto, jer onda vise ne bih mogao ici na partyje…
Bill: Ja naprosto ne mogu zamisliti Georga kako mjenja dječje pelene i bebino slinjenje po njemu…(svi se smiju)
Tom: Da, i onda bi vristalo cijeli dan i noc. Znate onaj show ˝Super nanny˝…vidite kako se djeca ponasaju!
Georg: Ali to je sve u odgoju!
Tom: Ako cu ja ikada imati dijete, trebalo bi biti starije na porodu.
P.S.Mislim da bi Georg bio super vozac porodicnog auta…
Georg: Ne, ja necu nositi porodicno auto, nego cu sebi fino, lijepo nabaviti kociju…

my myspace xD

- 16:16 - Komentari (100) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 23.10.2007.

NOVI POST!!!!!!!!

evo ga napokon novi post....
I s novim postom dolazi i novi Tokio Hotelov video :P

YEYsmijehsmijehsmijeh obavezno ga pogledat meni je preee savrsenooo!!!!

YEY KAJ NIJE ODLICAN cerekcerekcereksmijehsmijehsmijeh
i jos jedan kak pricaju engleski i nekaj drugo :P

Ok ocito je zaboravio da jos nije kraj pjesme :P XD XD

Ocito je zaboravi oda jos nije kraj pjesme :P XD XD

(koje face je radio XD)
Tu je bill zamjenio mali dio s njemackim rjecima(scream-engleska verzija schrei)


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i ovo omg ovo je meni presmjesno....To sam skinula s myspace od jedne cure,meni jeee preee smjesno tom izgleda ko da ima orgazam XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
Ok evo jedan intervjuic takoder s myspacea :P!!!!
Room 483 Tour – Part I: Disasters & MishapsTom: Oh my god, there are millions of things…I don’t even know where to start.
Bill: Well, I do :-) During one concert Tom’s guitar wouldn’t work. I almost had a heart attack when I realized what was happening. However, when the show was over, and for many days after, we had such a great time making fun of Tom.
Georg: One shocking moment was definitely when one of our cameramen fell off the stage from the very top where Gustav was sitting. He looked quite scary when we saw him after the show because he had a big cut on his chin - but he made it and now everything is back to normal.
Tom: Oh man, listen to this story - it’s a little disgusting but here it is: right when the camera captured a close-up shot of me a condom flew on stage but it was not in its package anymore and can you guess where it landed? Yes, obviously on my guitar and it got totally stuck there – it was really nasty! The problem was that I couldn’t stop playing so I had to kind of shake it while playing to get the sticky thing of my guitar. Luckily it fell off at some point but of course the whole drama had to be captured by the camera!

...this was a little excerpt from what happened during Part I of Tokio Hotel’s Europe 483 Tour. There will be definitely some more to talk about it during Part II and we will keep you updated so stay tuned for more funny TH stuff!!!

I na kraju par slikicaaa :D :D :D
a vidiiii gaaa kako je slatkiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(dont be sad :( ( I am here :P)
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Ok to je sve za sad ....
Ocekujem na toooone komentara :P

- 13:22 - Komentari (84) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 24.09.2007.

Allloooo evo novi novcati post :) :)

kisskisskisskissHmm...malo komentara..ajd nadam se da ce na ovom biti puuuunooooooo punoooooo punoooooooooo vise :P

Ok ajd evo prvo slikice :)
Bill koji se trga od smijeha :)
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Tom dok svira:)
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Gustav :)
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I georg...jedna zenska ga je nazvala george
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Sada video.....
tocnije 3 videa :)
Tokio Hotel Monsoon

Ubers Ende der Welt

Ok ovo je engleska pjesma rescue me ali je spot od rette micha :)
Nije izaso ovaj iz rettemicha :(

Kad je na podu je meni preeeeslatkiiii :D
Tokio hotel on bed :)
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hahaha ovo kad su na netu...sam tad mozemo brbljat :(
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ovo je stariji intervju ali isto smjesan :P
Tokio Hotel are already taking Europe by storm, and with their debut UK single on the horizon we caught up with the lads for a chat.

Hello! How are you? What're you up with right now?
Bill: Hi, we are in our studio-flat close to Hamburg, Germany.

Your debut English album 'Scream' will be released in the UK later this year – are you excited?
Tom: Of course, we are starting in the UK with our first single 'Ready, Set, Go!' on August 27th. We think the UK is quite unique when it comes to music, so we are really excited to experience the reactions we will receive off Europe's mainland. However, our first impression was already great since we had a sold out Live Show in London in the middle of June. Amazing fans were there that really knew how to rock!

Do you ever get bored playing the older tracks on it?
Georg: Never! First of all we are happy to even have 'older' songs. Bill and Tom are just about to turn 18 - so I guess that's quite remarkable to look at our repertoire and say: "Oh, we actually have some songs we composed a while ago." [Everybody laughs] We wrote all these songs based on events that happened to us at some point of time - so they really mean a lot to us and are a part of our lives. We often had to re-record them because Bill's voice changed - the keys went deeper and deeper and so did we. So far, we have played many live gigs and each time it is a new thrill to perform – which is also the case for our 'older' songs.

Is it daunting trying to break in countries where you can't yet speak the language?
Bill: It's definitely more challenging for us. However, language isn't that big of a problem for us, since there are always translators. A great experience in many countries has been that our fans started to learn German and it is so sweet listening to all the different accents!

Do you resent being compared to pop bands, rather than more serious musicians?
Bill: We are doing Rock music with a strong Pop attitude! We never try to pretend that we're doing something else, 'cause that's what we've done since we were 10 years old.

How have you found the reception from the UK so far?
Gustav: Before we first went to the UK, we received loads of fan mail and letters… it was amazing. Then our first live show in the UK came around and our fans welcomed us with a sold out venue and they screamed like hell - it was a fantastic night! We didn't expect so many people to show up – it definitely was a big surprise for us!

You covered 'Instant Karma' for a recent Amnesty International album; did you get to choose which song you played? Were you surprised to be covering the title track, above the likes of U2 and Green Day?
Tom: We never did a cover before, and when Amnesty contacted us to support 'Make Some Noise' by covering one of legendary John Lennon's tracks, we felt so great and said YES right away! We were free to choose one of his songs and we loved 'Instant Karma'. At that point of time we didn't know who else would be participating in the project. Needless to say, it is a honor being a part of the album and helping other people!

You're very popular over in Europe - do you ever worry the band has already reached its peak?
Bill: Since our first 1 hit we often wonder: "Can it get any bigger?" However, our fans show us every day that it can, which we certainly don't take for granted! Years ago we played concerts where five people were in the audience. This year we played for more than 500,000 people at one gig. If we will have to play for 5 listeners in the future again we'll do that as well… we are absolutely addicted to the stage! Right now we try to enjoy every last second of our success as much as we can.

Where do you think you'll be in five years time?
Tom: I guess we will be celebrating Georg's first time having sex! [Everybody laughs]

Ok, you have to laugh at Tom's reply to the last question…if anyone would like to go to that interview:

NJadam se da vam je to bilo dosta :)
Ajd cya i ostavite punooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
komentara :) :) :) :)finofinofinokisskissrolleyessmijehsmijehsmijehsmijehnutnutsretansretan

- 12:57 - Komentari (67) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 13.09.2007.

Intercvju s engleskog foruma....

Yam #38 Interview - TOKIO HOTEL "Bill: when we were young, we were fighting with each other on a daily basis, we even hit each other with frying-pans once" ok i love this interview
Funny and intimate moments with the band.

Exclusively in yam, the kaulitz-twins tell about how bizarre their fights among each other really are and why Gustav and Georg rather tuck tail and run off in situations like that. furthermore, the 4 are talking about their new single & their concert in germany!

The fans are have been waiting for a sign of life from them and here it is! The boys spontaneously invited the Yam to hamburg- and have been showing themselves from a very different side. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg talk about their plans- private and in their job!

Yam: Bill and Tom, you’re 18! what’s gonna change for you now?
Bill: we’re now not only allowed to drink alcohol and drive cars but we generally got more freedom now. until now, we’ve been working like grown-ups, earning money and paying taxes but we were never allowed to sign any contracts. hell, i wasn’t even allowed to sign my own mobile-phone contract…
Tom: We both have been raised to be very independent and have been standing on our own two feet for a long time but it’s something entirely different when you’re allowed to decide for yourself for 100%. ever since i was 12 i’ve been wanting to sue people whenever something pissed me off and now i could! *laughs*

Yam: what’s gonna happen in the next months?
Gustav: we’re continuing with touring through europe and we’re playing gigs in a number of countries. we’re also gonna play a concert in germany, on november 4th in essen. that’s gonna be the final concert of the “483-europe tour” and on the 19th october, our new single “An deiner Seite (ich bin da)” is gonna be released in germany.

Yam: what can you tell us about the german single-release?
Bill: besides “an deiner seite”, there’s gonna be a new, not yet released song on the single.
Tom: besides that, there’s gonna be a couple of very intimate tour-moments on the single. during the europe-tour, we had a camera team tagging along with us all the time and now we got so much material that we can’t put everything onto the DVD. that’s why we made two different documentaries- one for the tour DVD and one for the single.
Georg: there’s some VERY funny moments on it…
Bill: true! you’re gonna see us in all kinds of really different situations- like you’ve never seen us before. for example while sleeping, freaking out and even me without make-up.
Tom: it wasn’t about looking good in that docu- the fans are supposed to see us like we really are. it’s like a TH-diary.

Yam: can you tell us a particular scene?
Bill: well, there’s this one scene in which Tom and i are really fighting.
Tom: well, it’s not us fighting but you totally freaking out. as usual, i kept my calm while you’re totally losing it and scream at me. i think you even called me “you sick f***” in front of everyone. (note: the literal translation would be “you sick pig” but it equals “sick f***”, actually)
Bill: *turns red* well, we love and hate each other.
Tom: i think right now i hate you more than i love you though… *both laugh*
Bill: when we were young, we were fighting with each other on a daily basis, we even hit each other with frying-pans once. we only ever stopped when one of us started to cry for real. when we’re getting into a fight nowadays, Georg and Gustav usually leave the room.
Georg: nobody can stand to watch the insanity you two are going to each other.
Gustav: *grins* and most of all, stop dragging us into it!
Bill: Tom drives me insane sometimes.
Tom: boy, you’re totally mad!
*Bill attempts to look like a mad-man for a second and both start laughing again*

I LOVE IT!!!!! hahahahaha I SO WANT THAT DVD!!!!

you sick f***

what a funny guy

Ha ha meni je preeesmjesno!!!!!!!!!
a sadaaaa slikiceeeeee...
Video-takoder intervju(emgleski šprjevod bez brige ;) I

i mali privatni video..

i tokio hotel u kinu(fali gustav)

Bill i tom u ny
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Tokio hotel italian television
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i sad my fave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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evo to je bilo to tak da ocekujem toooonu komentara :D :D
Kuss :)cerekcerekcerek

- 16:13 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 10.09.2007.

Novi kratki post :D

evo posto nisam doma pisem maliii kratki post :)
Bill ima novu tetovazu koja je preslatka...
A ipak i on je presladak...
tak daaa neznam kaj da napisem..
napisem post kad se vratim iz bolnice....
Bez brige bit ce duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kuss :)

- 14:09 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 29.08.2007.

nadovezujem na bivsi post

evo ovo je nadovezano za prosli post....
BILLOVA NOVA TETOVAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evo vam fotke :D :D
meni je novi tatoo prejeben...
sloboda 89(fredoom 89) neznam kak se pise na njemackom :(

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I evo nastavak price...
I watched him all night. My eyes never wandering, my gaze fixed steadily on his slumbering body. Like a guardian watching over his most valued treasure, I watched over Bill. Even into the early hours of morning, I slept not one wink. My worry over Bill, wouldn’t allow it. I had come so close to losing him, more than once, and I wasn’t going to take anymore chances.

Around 8:00 there was a knock at the door. I quietly tiptoed out of the bed to answer it. It was David. He looked at me, and then at Bill lying in bed, before giving me a funny look.

“You’re due at a press conference downstairs in 30 minutes…..And uhh…..” He looked back at Bill again, and paused. That look in his eye, I was sure he was going to ask about why I was in his room. “Just….be down there. Okay?” He said, still looking back at Bill.

“Yeah okay. I will.”

Now normally I wouldn’t care what David thought. After all, Bill and I used to share a room together when we first started touring. But those rooms had two beds, which made this situation even more uncomfortable. So I would be lying if I said there wasn’t any awkward tension between us. In that moment of silence before he left I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Not only because I knew what it looked like, but because it was what it looked like.

I softly closed the door, careful not to wake Bill, and I quickly got dressed. Before I could leave, I had to make sure Bill would be okay. I called Georg and Gustav over to the room.

“So what do you need Tom?” Georg asked.

“Can you guys watch Bill while I’m gone?”

Georg and Gustav exchanged looks. They both knew Bill hadn’t been well lately.

“Yeah.” Gustav said.

“Of course we will.” Georg added.

“Thanks guys. This means a lot.”


I felt so disoriented at the press conference. I tried keeping my mind from going astray, but with each question my thoughts were always brought back to Bill.

“Tom, what was going on in your mind when you realized the offender was in possession of a knife?” One reporter asked.

“Nothing. That is, I didn’t have time to think about it, only to react. If anything, I was thinking, I don’t want Bill to die.”

“Tom, it is rumored that you and your brother had a fight prior to his encounter. Is this true? And if so what were you fighting about?”

“I’m sure we had a spat of some sort, like all brothers do. But I really can’t remember.” I lied through my teeth.

“Tom, the man who was convicted was let go, due to lack of evidentiary support. How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t feel anything about it, because I don’t let it get to me. My brother is alive and I’m alive, that’s all that matters to me.”

I glanced at the clock, and tapped my fingers impatiently. This conference was going on a lot longer that I had anticipated. My glance caught David’s eye; he could tell I was anxious to leave. He pulled the microphone toward him.

“I’m sorry, but that’s all the time we have for today.” He told them. I was relieved. I was tired of the pressing questions, and trying to remember what happened over two months ago. It was all too much.

I walked down the hall and turned the corner, bumping into Gustav.

“Oh Tom! I was just coming to get you. I think there’s something you need to see….”

“What is it?”

“Just come with me.”

I sighed. This can’t be good. I followed Gustav back to Bill’s room. Georg sat on the edge of the bed watching Bill intently. I hesitantly walked over the bed and sat next to Bill. He was still sleeping. He was sweating profusely, and he made faces like he was in pain. He tossed his head back and forth and moaned. He looked like he was having some kind of nightmare. His breathing became heavy and irregular. He started to pant and gasp as if he couldn’t breathe.

“He’s been doing this the whole time.” Georg said, still watching him.

“And you didn’t try to wake him?!” I questioned.

“Of course we did!” Georg defended himself.

I placed my hand on Bill and gave him a gentle shake. “Bill, wake up.”

Bill gasped and shot up. I jumped back a bit startled. He looked right at me….No….He looked right THROUGH me! His expression was blank and lifeless. His eyes fluttered, as he fell back onto the bed again. He continued sleeping.

“What the fuck was that?!” Gustav’s voice shook.

“I-I don’t know.” I answered. My heart was pounding. “But it scared the shit outta me!”

“Tom, what the hell is going on?!” Georg asked.

“Yeah Tom, what the hell is going on?” Gustav repeated Georg.

“Tom.” Georg looked at me. “You can’t keep us in the dark forever. We gotta know.”

“Alright….” I sighed. “Last night….Bill o-ded on some sleep sedatives….And he….”

“He what?” Georg pushed for more.

“He stopped breathing. And I had to perform CPR.”

“What?!” They both yelled.

“Why didn’t you call an ambulance?!” Gustav demanded.

“W-well....I was going to….but Bill didn’t want me to. So I didn’t.”

“Are you insane?! Do you realize he could have complications?!” Gustav shouted as he grabbed his phone and dialed.

“That’s why I had you guys stay with him.” Georg and Gustav shook their head at me in disappointment. “Look I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

I looked down at Bill. He wasn’t even roused by the shouting in the room. I put my hand on his arm, and stroked it soothingly as he whimpered softly.

“I just don’t get it.” Georg said.

“Don’t get what?”

“Why Bill would do something like that. It’s not like him.”

“I wish I could tell you Georg.” I said fixing my gaze on him. “But I just don’t think you’d understand.”

Bill’s tossing became more violent. His arms flung about, pushing me away.

“No!” He screamed as he sat up. I could see his heart racing. He looked around the room. Confusion began spreading across his face. “What are you guys looking at?” He asked.

“Bill, are you okay?” I asked concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well you were having a nightmare. Right?”

Bill gave me a puzzled look. “No.”

“This is even weirder than I thought.” Georg said.


“Night terrors.” The doctor simply stated.

Everyone was gathered in Bill’s room. Each one more confused than the other.

“I don’t understand. Why don’t I remember anything?” Bill asked.

“Well because people who experience night terrors usually have no recollection of the event afterward.”

“Oh. Well do you have any idea what brought it on?” Bill questioned him further.

“Traumatic events, stress, lack of sleep are perfect breeding grounds for night terrors. In your case, I would say it was just a matter of time before something like this happened. In fact I’m not so sure you should be touring right now.”

“What?!” Bill cried. “There’s no way! We’re not cancelling our tour!”

“I don’t know.” David said unsure. “Maybe the doctor is right. You and Tom have been through a lot. Perhaps we pushed this tour too soon.”

“But David!” Bill pouted.

“Alright, alright.” David said. “We’ll take it slow and see what happens okay? In the meantime I need to think of something to pacify the press. Otherwise they’ll have a field day with this one.”

I watched David walk out of the room, phone in hand. I turned back to the doctor. “Umm, is this going to be permanent?”

“No. With adequate rest and less stress the terrors should subside. So in other words, Bill needs to stay stress free as much as possible. Make him comfortable, do whatever it takes. Clear?”

We all nodded.

“Good! As far as last night goes there seems to be no complications; no cracked ribs, some slight bruising, but nothing that won’t heal. However, you are dangerously underweight, and I put much emphasis on the word dangerously. You NEED to put on some weight. Otherwise I fear you will end up in the emergency room.”


After the room cleared out Bill and I cuddled together on the bed. He laid his head on my shoulder. His fingers walked gracefully up my jeans and stopped playfully at my zipper.

“Bill what are you doing?” I grinned.

“Well the doctor said that I need to be stress free. And what better way to keep me relaxed than you Tomi?” He smiled innocently. I laughed.

“You’re right! And we should follow doctor’s orders.”

I placed a kiss upon Bill’s delicious lips. I caressed my tongue against them, gently parting them. He willingly let me in, letting a low moan escape his mouth when our tongues collided. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. I leaned forward, and lay on top of him. His slender, delicate body, grinded fervently against mine. While I groped him; blindingly searching for his zipper. Success! I found it! And with one fellow swoop I rid him of his pants, throwing mine off after.

I took my shirt off and tossed it aside. Then I gently lifted Bill’s shirt off, careful not to hurt him. His deep bruise stared at me. A fateful reminder of how I almost lost him. I lightly grazed his chest with my fingertips. He winced.

“Be careful. It really hurts.” He said softly.

“I’m sorry. I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be. I promise.”

“When you say you’ll be gentle, are you referring to this only?” He asked pointing to his bruise.

“When I say I’ll gentle I’m referring to everything.”

“So, if I ever wanted to do more with you….” He trailed off. I could see where Bill was taking this. He looked slightly nervous, as he waited for my answer.

“Bill if you wanted to take things further, I would be as gentle as possible. You are everything to me. I love you, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

“Really?” A smile spread across his face.

“Yes really.”

“Then in that case….I think I do.”

“Are you sure Bill?”

He nodded. “I’m sure.”

I paused for a moment. “Okay.”

Bill slipped out of his boxers. I crawled between his legs, and gently lifted them up onto my shoulders. I let out a nervous breath of air. I never dreamt this day would come. I wanted it just as bad as Bill, but I was so unsure of myself. I never did anything like this before. This was a whole new level for me.

I moistened a single finger with my mouth. I wanted to test Bill first. And with the upmost of care I gently pressed my finger against his entrance.

“Does it hurt?”

“No. It’s just slightly uncomfortable.”

“How about this?” I pushed a second finger in. Bill gasped. “Too much?”

He shook his head. “It’s good.” He squeaked out.

“Bill are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Please Tomi, just do it.” He whined.

“Alright. But you better tell me if I’m hurting you, okay?”


I leaned over the bed and rummaged through Bill’s bag to find the lubricant he had bought. I was going to do everything I could to make it more comfortable for him. I liberally coated my harden flesh, and carefully pressed into Bill’s entrance once more. Bill hissed. His face contorted. I froze, ready to pull out.

“No Tomi! Please don’t stop.”

“But I’m hurting you Bill. I can’t see it.”

“Please.” He begged. I took in a deep breath and pushed in a little further. Bill cried out. A single tear graced his fair face. “Don’t stop.”

I continued just as Bill wanted me to. My thrusts were gentle, and I could feel Bill beginning to loosen up. He gasped again. But this time it was in pleasure.

“Fuck!” He moaned. “Oh, Tomi….mmm….ah!”

Bill twisted under me in pleasure. I smiled. I was beginning to really enjoy this. And seeing Bill this way made it harder for me to control myself. He closed his eyes and bit his lip. “Harder.”

“Bill are you sure?”

“Mhm.” He nodded with his eyes still closed.

I gladly followed his orders, and trust harder into him. Bill grabbed a fitful of sheets, his hips rocking back and forth to my every motion. My dreads fell over my shoulder, sticking to my sweaty face, but I disregarded it. I kept my eyes fixed on Bill. My hands trailed down his lower abdomen. I grasped hold of his cock that was aching to be handled. Bill whimpered at my touch. I firmly stroked him up and down. His chest heaved up and down, as he moaned. He was close. I was too. And with one last stroke, our bodies became rigid, as we both came. I gently pulled out of Bill, and lay next to him. Our bodies a hot sticky mess.

“That.” Bill panted. “Was amazing!”

I nodded silently in agreement. I had never felt more connected to Bill in my entire life. “Are you relaxed now?”

“More than you would ever know.” He said cuddling up to me.

btw...idem na maturalac tak da me nema do 5.9

Ajd ocekujem punooo komentara na ovaj i bivsi post...

kuss :)

- 18:31 - Komentari (38) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 20.08.2007.

Novi post nakon dugoooooo vremena :D

evo ljudi novi post nakon duuuugooooooo vremena...
Ok u postu se radi o tomu i billu...
Top je napisao neki fan i radi se o tom ko da su tom i bill gey...To ME LJUTI ALI JE TOLKO TUZNO DA SAM TABORAVILA
Znam da ce vas malo ljutit kaj tak prica da su tom i bill gey ali nisu...
Prica je pretuzna...
Obavezno je procitajte

A twist of faith...

“Now Tom, I want you to try and take a step okay?” Dr. Stiles instructed.

“Okay.” I shrugged. Taking a step? No problem. Maybe then they would let me go home. I slowly inched myself to the edge of the bed, letting the tips of my toes graze the cool tile floor. I looked down for a moment, letting out a deep breath. There was a strange kind of weakness flowing throughout my body. I didn’t feel right. I saw Bill standing across from me; wringing his hands in anticipation, and bearing a worried expression. I closed my eyes and gradually lifted myself off the bed, allowing my feet to make contact with the floor. I stood up and steadied myself. I felt faint. My legs were trembling under the pressure, and I knew I couldn’t hold out long. I helplessly fell to the floor. Bill dove toward me, catching me in his arms.

“Tom are you okay?” He asked concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine…I think.” I put my hands on the floor and struggled to pull myself back up. I managed to get one knee before collapsing back to the ground.

“Here, let me help you.” Bill said offering his hand.

“No!” I smacked his hand away. “I don’t need your help. I can do this!” Bill jumped back and clutched his hand. I tried again, using every last bit of strength I had. But it was no use. I curled up in a ball on the floor, burying my head into my knees. I never felt so helpless in my life.

“What is going on?” I heard my mother whisper to the doctor. He pulled her out of the room, leaving me and Bill alone. Bill crawled up to me and gently pulled me into his lap. He softly stroked my hair, not saying not saying one word. I looked out of the window, where my mother and doctor stood. She attentively listened to his every word, with a very serious look on her face. Nodding, and every so often turning my way. I wrapped my arms around Bill’s waist and held him tight. I gave into my tears and sobbed quietly in his lap.

“Tomi, whatever it is, I’m sure it will be okay.” Bill assured. He was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn’t going to work. I was growing sick with tension by the minute. I had to know what they were talking about.

Bill sat up at attention when my mother re-entered the room. His eyes followed her as she paced the room, thinking of a way to break the news. The room grew still. It was as if I breathed too hard it would break all the tension.

“Tom.” She broke the silence. “It’s been a week and…well you…”She trailed off.

“I what?” She knelt down to me, and with Bill’s help lifted me back on the bed. Looking me in the eyes she continued.

“The doctor said there is a slight chance that you may…never walk again.”

“What?! You can’t be serious!”

“It’s just that, you haven’t made any progress. But that doesn’t mean you should get discouraged.”

“Mom!” I yelled frustrated. “Don’t you get it? I’m ruined if that happens!” I threw my head back into the pillow and groaned.

“Sweetie, it won’t be that bad.” She reassured.

“Not that bad? Not that bad! My life will be over!” I paused for a moment, and then mumbled, “Please, just throw me over a bridge now. You’d be doing me a favor.” My mother’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped to a standstill.

“Tom!” Don’t say stuff like that!” She snapped.

“Tom…I….”Bill hesitated, struggling with his words. After a moments pause he gave up, and sulked toward the door. “Excuse me, while I go throw myself off a bridge.” He said leaving the room.

“Bill!” I whined. “Wait! I didn’t mean it like that!”

“What has gotten into him?” My mother asked confused.

“Nothing. Will you go find him for me please?”

“I will.” She said. She walked to the door and stopped turning around. “And Tom? Don’t worry. Everything will be okay.”

Yeah everything will be okay…Trying telling that to the rest of the band. And my fans. That’s who I’d be letting down. This can’t be happening. It just can’t. I kept telling myself that, hoping that maybe this was all just a bad dream, and that I would soon wake up…


Gustav came in the room at a quarter past 3:00. It had been almost an hour since Bill left and I was beginning to get worried about him. The whole time he was gone I was kicking myself for even saying those words.

“He locked himself a bathroom stall.” Gustav said. “So your mom sent me and George in. We had a hell of time trying to get him to come out. He kept saying something like; it was all his fault.”

Bill quietly slid in the room behind Gustav. He had no doubt been crying the whole time he was gone. It was written all over his face. His nose was red and stuffy, and his cheeks were lined with dry tears. He sniffed and rubbed his nose, holding back anymore tears that may come.

“Well,” Gustav said. “I’ll leave you guys alone. I hope you two can work it out.”

“Bill, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean what I said earlier.”

“Yes you did.” He said plopping down beside me.

“No I didn’t…I was just…I was just upset you know? Hearing the news that I might never walk again was pretty shocking. It upset me and I felt like I would be letting the whole band down, letting my fans down…letting myself down. I felt worthless.” Bill put his hand on mine.

“Tomi how do you think I feel? I did this to you. It’s all my fault.” He pouted. “You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. And when you said that you didn’t want live anymore...I wanted to die inside.” He put his hand up to his face, sopping up his tears with his shirt. I pulled Bill into my arms and held him close.

“I love you Tomi! And I can’t live without you!” He sobbed.

“I love you too Bill. And I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” Bill curled up closer to me and nuzzled his nose against mine. I placed an adoring kiss upon his lips, and subtly let my tongue slip into his mouth. Bill gasped in surprise, melting into my kiss. He ran his hands down my back while little moans slipped out. Suddenly Bill froze, and he pushed me back.

“Wait, Tomi. We shouldn’t be doing this. What if someone catches us?”

“Bill, I practically throw myself over a building, take a knife for you in the back, and go into a coma for a month. At this point, I don’t give a shit if anyone sees us.” I said pulling him in for another kiss. A little smile drew across his face.
“I won’t give up on you.” Those were Bill’s exact words. The hours of grueling physical therapy was beginning to take its toll. At least I was on my feet again, though not without a slight limp. Still I was ready to go home and leave this godforsaken hospital.

I sat in the middle of my bed that was littered with fan mail, with my guitar in hand; Strumming without a care, letting the rhythm take over. I gazed outside, watching the rain fall, listening to the light pitter patter each drop hitting the window sill. It was a calm kind of rain. The sun was shining making it sparkle as it fell freely to the ground. Oh How I longed to feel the warmth of the sun kissing my face, to feel the delicate raindrops caress my skin, to feel the breeze flow gently through my hair; to enjoy those little things in life that most people seem to forget. This whole experience had helped me remember and appreciate those little things. But the one thing that I still cherished most was Bill. He kept true to his word; He never gave up on me. And he never left me behind either. Day and night, night and day he stayed at my bedside. Always smiling, always uplifting, always there, for me.

I closed my eyes, losing myself in the music, feeling the strings brush against my finger tips. I began humming a slight tune, not even taking notice when the bed dipped down behind me. Bill wrapped his arms around me, placing his hands over mine, and resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled and continued to play my heart out, but this time for Bill. He listened closely, fixing his eyes on me, and with his hands feeling every cord that I made. He softly stroked my hands and kissed my ear, flicking out his tongue and nibbling on my earlobe. I shuttered, and my smooth strumming became irregular and brought me to a complete halt. I laid my guitar aside and turned to Bill. He gave me a gentle push, letting me fall onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and pinned me down.

“You know Tomi, I kind of like being stronger than you. I could get use to this.” He grinned.

“Well enjoy it while you can Bill because it won’t last.” Bill gave a little playful pout and bent down to kiss me, gently massaging his tongue against mine. His hands tracing every curve on my body, as he thrust against me in a fit of lust. We were taking a chance, and the odds of getting caught were high. The cost would be great if we were ever found out, but the desire that we felt for each other was greater, and more than we both could bear. Day in and day out, forbidden to be with the one you love; only to look and never to touch would drive anyone insane.

In the midst of our heated passion I was forced out of the bed and shoved into the bathroom. The door was shut firmly with the sound of a lock clicking. Bill flipped the switch on and narrowed his eyes.

“Bill what the hell?!” I asked startled. He walked toward me and pinned me against the sink, licking my lips.

“Sorry Tomi, I just can’t help myself.” He pushed against me a little harder, making me moan. “It’s been almost two months! Two damned months! I can’t take it anymore!” He threw off my shirt and began working on my pants. “I need you.” I could feel the lust dripping off his lips as he whispered in my ear. I gave into a passion filled kiss. Bill’s hands ran down my bare skin, a sensation I hadn’t felt for a long time. I quivered at his touch and let out a soft moan. The feeling of his hands roaming my body, his lips and tongue delicately caressing my neck, his hot breath hitting my skin, was quickly turning my breathes into short pants. His hands found his way around my erection, and I gasped at the mere touch. Bill smiled and leaned into me for another kiss, as he began working my hardened flesh. I would have cried out in pleasure, had my whimpers not been concealed beneath his lips.

“Tom? Is that you?” George knocked. I froze and my face grew pale. Bill looked at me; a mischievous grin drew across his face. I gave him a ‘don’t you dare ‘ look. But Bill ignored my silent threat and continued with his business. “Tom?” George knocked again. “I can hear you in there.”

“Uh, yeah?” I grunted, trying to hold back my moans. “W-what is it?” I shot Bill a look. “Bill cut it out!” I hissed.

“What?” George asked.

“Uh, n-nothing.” I tried pushing Bill back, but he wasn’t having it. He smacked my hands away and persisted with his heavy petting and fervent kissing. He was getting a rise out of the situation, and was making it hard for me to stay composed.

“Oh. Well have you seen Bill?”

“B-bill?” I panted. I was on the edge, almost there. I could feel it. “Uh…n-no. I h-haven’t s-seen him.” I tightly clutched the rim of the sink and bit down on my lip hard as I came. “Nggh!”

“Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah. I’m fine.” I said looking at Bill. He stared at me with that same devilish smile on his face, while he licked the come off his fingers.

“Alright, well if you see Bill, will you tell him that I was looking for him?”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll tell him.”


I heard the door shut and I relaxed. “Bill, I’m going to get you for this.” I said worn out.

“Looking forward to it Tomi!” He said with a smirk. “Anyway, I know you liked it.”

“I did. A lot! But not while George is around!”

“Really?” He said surprised. “It turned me on. You know the thought of getting caught and all.”

“I know.” I said rolling my eyes.

Bill tilted his head and gave me a skeptical look. “You mean to tell me that you didn’t get turned on even the tiniest bit?”

“Maybe it turned me on a little bit.” I admitted. Bill crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow to me.

“Fine. It turned me on a lot! It was hot!” Bill smiled pleased with my honest answer.


“Tom! I have great news! You can go home today!” Dr. Stiles announced.

“I can!” I practically squealed.

“Yes. You have worked so hard, and have made excellent progress. I feel you are ready to go home. You may leave whenever you are ready.” He said before exiting the room.

I couldn’t get up fast enough. Bill and I began stuffing the duffle bags in a hurried mess, shoving anything and everything inside of them. We were both eager to leave, and the sooner we finished packing the sooner we would be off.

“Damn! You guys pack fast!” Gustav eed surveying the room. “George and I came up to help you guys, but it looks like you don’t need it.”

“Yeah.” George said shaking his head. “Hey Bill I was looking for you earlier. Couldn’t find you. It was like you fell of the face of this earth.”

“Oh yeah?” Bill asked throwing the last few articles of clothing in a bag. “What did you want?”

George scratched his head in thought. “Hmm…you know come to think of it, I can’t remember. Oh well” He shrugged. “Here Gustav and I will take these bags for you. We’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready.”

Bill and I finished packing the last bag carelessly tossing any remaining items that were left.

“I’ll take this bag.” Bill said hoisting the strap on his shoulder. I strolled over to the bedside where my guitar laid. I carefully placed it in its case and snapped it shut.

“Do you want me to take that for you too?” Bill asked pointing to the guitar.

“Well…” I hesitated. I glanced at poor Bill. He was already loaded down with a duffle bag that looked heavier than him, yet he seemed more than willing to give me a hand. “I don’t know Bill. It’s not fair for me to make you carry all of this.”

“It’s no problem Tomi, really.” He said taking the guitar from my hand. I sighed. I felt bad for letting Bill carry everything. “Come on, let’s go.” He smiled. It was strange. All my life, I was the one that always looked out for Bill, I was the one who always took care of him, but now he was taking care of me. We walked down the hall together side by side, while Bill gladly hauled the rest of our luggage; paying no mind to the strap that visibly dug into his shoulder. And whenever I tried to offer him a helping hand, he would kindly decline, insisting that he was fine, and that it was no trouble at all.

When we reached the car, Bill put the last bag away and closed the trunk with a heavy thud. He looked in the car and paused for a moment.

“I don’t think we have enough room.” He finally said. I peeked in. My mother was in the driver’s seat, George was in the passenger, Gustav in the back…

“Why don’t we have enough room?” I asked, giving Bill a puzzled look.

“This is why.” He said holding up my guitar.


“Why don’t you just put it in the back Bill, and sit on your brother’s lap?” My mother suggested.

“Okay.” Bill happily complied. He put the guitar in the middle, creating somewhat of a barrier between us and Gustav. I slid into the only empty seat and Bill gracefully sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist to make sure he was safe. Bill felt so light and delicate. I was almost afraid I would break him if I held on too tight. His dark strands of hair tickled my face as he swayed about in the car. Bill hadn’t bothered to do his hair up since I was in the hospital, so it smelled of fresh shampoo. I closed my eyes contently and gave Bill a hug, and he squeezed my hands as if to hug me back. I smiled to myself. I couldn’t wait to get home so I could finally spend some time with Bill.
I dropped my bags and stood in the doorway. A feeling of nostalgia swept over me as I looked around the room. It had been months since I stepped foot in my house, and although nothing had changed, everything seemed so different.

“God it feels good to be home!” Bill said, taking in a deep breath of air. He fell back onto the couch and let out a sigh. I sat down and made myself a place next to Bill.

“You said it! But…”

“But what?” he frowned.

“I know we just got home, but how long is it going to last?”

“I don’t know. A week. Maybe two, tops.”

“And I was looking forward to a couple of months!” I griped.

“I know, me too. But people demand our time. So we give it.”

“What exactly are we doing anyway?” I questioned, feeling a little out of the loop.

“An ass load of interviews for starters.”

“Interviews? About what?”

Bill sat up and gave me a dumbfounded look. “Tom, interviews about you.”


“The whole world went crazy when you went into the hospital.”

“Was it really that bad?”

Bill shook his head. “Tom, it was awful! …….I’ll never forget that night…..I felt so helpless. And the only thing I could do was hold you in my arms. I held you so close, trying to keep pressure on your wound.” Tears were welling up in Bill’s eyes, his bottom lip trembled, as he continued to talk. “There was blood everywhere! It was so surreal, like a dream. I tried my best to stay calm, for you. But….when you passed out, I lost it. The paramedics had to pry me off of you, and I demanded them to let me in the ambulance. I didn’t want you to be alone. I watched them work on you, feeling more powerless than ever. And when they lost you the first time….I….” Bill choked on his words. “My heart stopped. I knew then that if you died, I would die too. But not before I killed the bastard who did that to you!” He spat out.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Revenge? Bill was getting worked up, his voice shook with anger. “You wouldn’t have really killed him, would you?”

Bill stood up and looked at me with disbelief. “Tom, if you died, I would have cut out his beating heart with a dull knife! He would have begged for mercy and I would have showed him none!” He nearly shouted. “Then I would have stood over his dying corpse and watched him take his final breath!”

My mouth dropped open. I was at a loss for words. “I…you…Bill, you can’t be serious.” I finally spoke. “You’re talking revenge. That’s terrible!”

Bill turned away not saying a word, still hanging on to his irrational thinking. His face was flushed, his jaw was clenched tightly, his body trembled, while he breathed heavily into the air.

“Bill….” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, making him flinch a little. “I know it’s hard, but you need to let it go.”

Bill turned around to look at me. His eyes flashed red with anger, masking the deep hurt inside of him. His seemed bitter and callous, and I could tell that forgiveness was not on his list.

“Tom? Remember when I said I never left your bedside?”

“Yeah I remember.”

“Well….I did. Once. I went to court to testify against that asshole. Tom, it took everything I had in me not to jump over that witness stand and kill him with my bare hands! Heartless bastard sitting there with a smug look! I wanted to rip his face off!”

“Justice was served though, right? He’s in jail is he not?”

“There wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. They let him go… He almost killed you and they let him go free! Tell me brother, is that justice? Because I don’t think it is.”

“Bill, you know the justice system is fucked up.” I said, giving him a comforting hug. “All that matters, is that we’re together. I love you Bill, and I don’t want to see you consumed with this hate. You need to forgive and move on.”

“I’m sorry Tom, I can’t. He almost took away the one person that means everything to me. How can I forgive him for that?”

I gave Bill a sorrowful look. It broke my heart to see him like this. And it broke my heart even more that he couldn’t let it go.

“All I can say is this: He better hope and pray to god that our paths never cross again, because if they do...I’ll kill him.”

With those words my stomach turned. I felt sick, because I knew that Bill wasn’t just talking shit. He meant business. I wondered what made him feel like revenge was the only answer. And although Bill was the kind of person that could hold a grudge, I wasn’t too sure about vengeance. Perhaps he blamed himself for what happened that night, and revenge was the only way to redeem himself. Or maybe the whole situation proved to be too much and pushed him over the edge. Whatever it was, it wasn’t like him.

Bill tightened his grip around me, locking me in our embrace. Strange…I felt so safe, so protected, so sheltered in his arms. A feeling I had never felt before.

“I love you Tomi.” Bill whispered into my ear. “And I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I’ll protect you with my life.”


I was relieved to found out that no one overheard our heartfelt conversation. Bill had issues, that much was certain. He carried with him a great burden. A burden that was full of hatred and unforgiveness; all while taking it in stride. I had to hand it to Bill; he had a way of putting it out of his mind, as long as you didn’t talk about it. Still, it worried me. I was afraid all that hate would change him, turn him into a different person.

I wished the whole conversation never happened, and I tried my damndest to never bring it up again. Filled with uncertainty, I now tiptoed around any topic that might set Bill off, or avoided the subject completely. I never wanted to see him upset like that again.

The only thing that I couldn’t hide was my scar. To me, it was a reminder of my love for Bill, and the great lengths that I would go to protect him. But to Bill, it was a reminder of how fragile life is, and how a criminal got off scott-free. Every so often he would stare at my scar, and whenever I caught him staring he would just stop, look at me and fake a smile, as if nothing was wrong. I wondered how often he’d done this before without me noticing…

I should have known something was up. After my accident Bill became a lot more protective over me and began taking care of me, like I used to do with him. Giving up my role as guardian to Bill was hard to get use to. Instead of me always looking out for him, it was him that was always looking out for me. Now he was the one saying, “I think I should go with you Tomi” or “I don’t think you can handle this”. And after a while I became use to the idea. Perhaps that’s why I never saw it, why I never noticed that something was amiss with Bill.

It was true that Bill had changed. And I began to see him in a different light. He seemed so much stronger and assertive then I had ever remembered him. And I started running to him for protection, nestling myself in his warm embrace, until I felt safe again.
Bill….What’s happened to you? You don’t eat. You don’t sleep. Don’ t think I haven’t noticed. Ever since I went into the hospital, you’ve forsaken your own needs. You’re falling apart at the seams. I’m worried about you. How much longer can you go on? How much more can you take? Why can’t you just let it go?

I weep tears of sorrow for you Bill. My heart it aches inside, as I watch you waste away. I see right through your intricate lies. I see the truth. A truth you can no longer hide. It has become evident, so obvious. Yet you still continue with your charade, deceiving everybody, including yourself. Why can’t you see what I see?

My silent plea for Bill. I stand voiceless while my brother runs himself into the ground. He does his best to be strong for me, and to protect me. But underneath it all, he is broken. He walks around with a guilty conscious, blaming himself for what happened to me. Protecting me and taking care of me means everything to him now. And for that reason I remain silent.


Our short vacation was nearing an end. Soon it would be back to hotel rooms and sleeping on the bus. My vacation felt so wasted. I spent the whole time in the hospital, and then a week at home. Nevertheless I was prepared to take on the open road once again.

I had finished my packing and decided to pay Bill a visit. We had talked about going out today, just the two of us, before we had to leave again. I walked into Bill’s open doorway. Bill sat in a chair, his back facing me. He was completely focused on what he was doing, so he didn’t notice me walk in. I took a few steps little closer. He was sharpening something, but what? I slowly peered over his shoulder. I felt my stomach turn when a short shimmering blade caught my eye. A knife….The blade looked wicked! It was designed with a jagged edge, ensuring that the withdrawal of the blade would cause greater damage than the thrust itself. That knife looked deadly! What the hell was Bill doing with a weapon like that?! Bill finally became aware of my presence.

“What is it Tomi?” He asked casually, while he continued to sharpen his knife.

“Bill what the hell are you doing with that knife?!”

“It’s for protection.”

“I think you are taking this a little too far.”

Bill stood up and looked at me.

“Tomi, there are no lengths that I wouldn’t go to protect you. So for you, nothing is too far.”

Bill gracefully slid the blade into its sheath, and tucked it away in his jacket.

“So are we going out today or what?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

“Bill, you’re not really going to take that with you are you?”

“Of course I am. That’s why I bought it.” He walked up to me and gently cupped my face. “Please don’t worry Tomi. I’m only doing this because I love you.” He placed a tender kiss on my lips, entwining his fingers in my hair. I briefly felt the familiar sensation of Bill’s silvery stud glide ever so gently across my tongue. He pulled away and gave me a little smile of reassurance.

“Come on let’s go.” He said leading me by the hand.


I felt a little uneasy leaving the house while that knife was in Bill’s possession. What ever made him think that this was a good idea? He said it was for protection, but what if he made a mistake? What if he took something the wrong way, and things got out of hand? That thought scared me. I’ve always known Bill to be a gentle caring soul, but lately he’s become so mysterious, so paranoid, so unpredictable. Could he do it? Would he? At this point, I wouldn’t put it past him.

We decided to go to the mall, and I couldn’t help but feel on edge all day. Anytime Bill would reach for his jacket, I would get nervous, but it was always a false alarm. He would only be adjusting it, or grabbing his phone to look at the time. I couldn’t believe how relaxed he was about the whole idea. He acted as if it was no big deal. To me however, it was a big deal. I had been through enough, and I didn’t need him creating anymore trouble for us. Still…I had to admit, I did feel a little safer knowing that Bill was looking out for me.

Bill watched me like a hawk, and the further I strayed the closer he watched. He tried to hide it, by pretending to be interested in some book, or cd, but I knew what he was doing. I felt so bad that he felt obligated to look out for me like this. I wish he could just let that night go, but I knew he never would. It haunted him.

I can recall Bill’s many sleepless nights, that often turned into early mornings. And with each passing day, Bill grew more and more worn. He looked completely drained, all the time. He never ate, he never slept, and now it was starting to show. He couldn’t hide it anymore. I tried once before to tell him that enough was enough, but Bill is stubborn, and he won’t listen. He will keep pushing and pushing himself, until he can’t take anymore. And that’s what I’m afraid will happen.


That night I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was racing, as I tried to catch my breath. A nightmare had given me a harsh awakening. I wiped the sweat off my brow and turned to the clock. 3:00 a.m. I rolled over and closed my eyes, trying to block out the vivid images that still ran through my mind. But no matter what I focused on, my thoughts would always lead back to the dream. It was about Bill. I dreamed he died, trying to protect me. It sent shivers down my spine. It shook me up. And what bothered me the most, was that the dream was entirely possible.

I sat up in my bed and stared at the door. Should I go to Bill? Would he be up? I felt a little silly. After all it was only a dream. But it felt so real, and I needed so badly to be in his arms. I crept out of my room, and down the hall. Bill’s door was ajar, and I could see a little light streaking from his room. I carefully pushed the door open.

Bill was asleep. He lay on his bed, fully clothed; still loosely gripping a pen in his hand. It looked as if he had collapsed from pure exhaustion. A small lamp dimly lit the room casting ominous shadows across the wall. I tiptoed softly across the floor up to Bill’s bed.

“Bill?” I whispered, almost afraid to wake him. Bill’s eyes fluttered open.

“Tomi?” He yawned. “What time is it?”

“It’s 3:00.” I said feeling a little guilty for waking him.

“Oh. Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, I just....I just had a bad dream, and I want to stay with you. If that’s okay.”

“Of course Tomi.” Bill said putting his arms out. I climbed into his warm embrace, and buried my face into his neck. Bill leaned over and turned off the light. Darkness flooded the room, and I could only see a faint outline of Bill’s profile, but I could feel his arms all around me. I nuzzled closer to him, so that there was no more room between us. Bill gave me a little squeeze, as if to say “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere”. His touch comforted me to no end. I lay in Bill’s arms, feeling his heartbeat, listening to the sound of his breath.

Running to Bill was something I never used to do. Rather it was something he would do with me. When did this all happen? When did everything change? When did Bill become the stronger one? It was all such a blur. I began longing for the old days. I wanted my little brother back. I wanted my Bill. I wanted to be his protector. I wanted to be his savior, but he didn’t need me anymore….It was I that needed him.
I stared out the tour bus window, watching the trees blow softly in the wind, waving me a final goodbye. One leg of the tour ends, another begins. Already I was beginning to miss the warm comforts of home. But at least I had Bill by my side. In the end, he was all the comfort I needed.

I turned my gaze to Bill. He was curled up in the seat across from me, staring out the window as well. He wore a somewhat melancholic expression, perhaps it was his exhaustion showing through. He let out a little yawn and pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands and lifted the hood over his head. He tugged at the strings, so that the hood was snug around his face.

“Bill what are you doing?” I chuckled. He had himself nearly buried in his hoodie.

“I’m cold.” He muffled through the cotton.

“How can you be cold? It’s fucking hot in here!”

“I don’t know. I just am."

“Well come here.” I gestured with my hands. “I’ll warm you up.”

Bill peeked at me. “Okay.”

He got up from his spot, with his head still buried in his sweater. He crawled onto my lap and snuggled up to me. He was so light and thin! I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back. I could feel his ribs through his sweater! No wonder Bill was so cold; there was nothing there to keep him warm. His face was pale and he was cold to the touch.

“Bill your hands are like ice!”

I clasped my hands around Bill’s, and I could feel the heat quickly escape from my body to his. He was so frail, I was afraid I’d break him if I held on too tight. Bill rested his head on my shoulder and gave me a weak smile. Looking at Bill, seeing him this way made me feel like shit. I should of said something earlier, but I thought he didn’t need me anymore….maybe I was wrong. Maybe he did need me.

Bill wasn’t well, and it showed. He wasn’t making any sense. His whole thought process was screwed up. He was being irrational about everything, and his reactions to anything were more than a bit delayed. His memory was slipping, and his health was fading. I was worried about him.

I softly stroked Bill’s cheek. He grasped my hand and held it close to his face, nuzzling it. He looked at me and grinned, bearing his teeth, and I couldn’t help but smile back. When Bill smiled, his whole face lit up, and his eyes sparkled, full of life. It was contagious, and he infected everyone around him with it. But even with that bright, vibrant smile, I could see his weariness shine though. I had to say something. I couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

“Bill, I’m worried about you.”

“What do you mean Tomi?” He asked innocently.

“I mean you look terrible Bill, and I’m really worried. You’re pushing yourself too much.”

Bill crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “You know, you really know how to ruin a perfectly good moment Tomi!”

“Bill I’m serious! You’ve been acting really weird lately. I mean the other day you straight out bought a knife! That’s not like you. You’re not thinking clearly! And I’ve noticed that when you respond to me, you’re slower than usual. And you can’t remember shit! Not to mention you’ve lost a lot of weight. You’re pale, you’re thin, and I think you’re catching a cold. You look awful!”

I tried to turn Bill’s head to my direction, but he jerked away. “I’m fine Tom! Can we stop talking about this now?”

“No! We can’t Bill!”

Bill gave a sigh of annoyance. “Fine.” He got up to walk away, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down on my lap. He fought to get out of my hold, but I had a firm grip on his wrists.

“Bill would you just listen to me?!” I yelled, giving him a light shake. “God! You’re so damn stubborn sometimes! You know that! I love you. And I’m only trying to help you.

“Tom, really I’m fi-.”

“Bullshit!” I shouted, letting out my frustration. I closed my eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath to try and calm myself. “Bill please….for one second. Stop trying to be so tough okay? Just stop it! You can’t do this forever…..Don’t you see it Bill? Don’t you see what you’re doing to yourself?”

“Am I interrupting something?” George’s voice rang.

Bill and I turned to George’s direction.

“No. You’re not. I was just leaving.” Bill said breaking free from my grip. He walked past George, lightly brushing his shoulder as he took his leave.

“Bill!” I begged for his attention, but he ignored my plea, and kept walking. I dropped my head into my hands.

“What the hell was that all about?” George asked. He sat down across from me. He rested his arms on the table, and folded his hands, while he patiently waited for an answer.

“He won’t listen to me. He’s being a stubborn asshole!”

“What do you mean?” George asked leaning in closer.

“Isn’t it obvious? He hasn’t been taking care of himself. He’s sick….really sick….He’s slowly killing himself, and he doesn’t even care! He’s so focused on me, and my needs, that he’s completely forgotten about himself.” I rubbed at my forehead. I could feel a headache coming on.

“I have to go find him.” I said standing up.

“Yeah, sure.” George nodded. “Um….you know….if you need any help with anything or you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

I smiled. “Thanks George.”


Thankfully we were on the bus, so Bill couldn’t run far, nor could he hide. I found him curled up in his bunk. He was wearing headphones. His music was so loud, he was drowning in it. His head bobbed up and down, while he scribbled fervently in his notebook. And every so often he would pause, and listen intently to the lyrics; as if he were waiting for something to inspire him before he started scribbling again.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and gave him a gentle squeeze. He promptly jerked his headphones off, and looked at me startled.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Can I come in?”

Bill looked away for a moment, debating over my question. He pressed his lips together, and nodded.

“Thanks.” I crawled into the bunk, and sat next to Bill. “What are you writing?” I asked pointing to the notebook.

“Nothing really. Just stuff, you know.”


Bill turned off his mp3 player, and pushed his notebook aside. “Come to berate me some more?”

“Bill, I just want you to take care of yourself.”

“I’m fine Tom, I swear. So maybe I have a little cold. It’s no big deal.”

I sighed in defeat. It was no use. Bill was never going to listen. He had become completely blinded to what he was doing. Bill climbed on top of me and leaned in for a kiss, but I turned away.

“Tomi!” Bill pouted. He leaned in again, and this time I pushed him away. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I felt like I had no other choice.

“I’m sorry Bill. I just can’t.”

“But Tomi!”

“No Bill. If this is what it’s going to take for you stop hurting yourself….then so be it.”

“Tomi, you can’t be serious!” Bill said in a whiney voice.

“I’m very serious Bill.” I said pushing him off of me.

“After all I’ve done for you?! This is how you treat me?!” Bill’s bottom lip stuck out a bit. He looked at me in disbelief. His eyes glistened, as they filled with tears. “Get out.”

“But Bi-”

“I said get out!” He shouted, pointing toward the hall.

“Fine. But just remember that I’m doing this because I love you.”

I climbed out of the bunk and Bill firmly shut the curtain behind me. I could hear his quiet sobs from behind the other side. I hurt him, really bad, but no more than he was hurting me or himself. I wanted Bill to stop pushing himself. And I felt like this was the only way to knock some sense into him. No matter how much it hurt.

I looked down the hall and saw George and Gustav carrying a quiet conversation. They both stopped, and briefly glanced my way before talking again. It was obvious that they were talking about me and Bill. I only wish I could let them know everything that was really going on. I slowly sulked into my bunk, and buried myself under the covers, as I silently let my tears fall.

- 12:19 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 12.06.2007.

OMG sam ja sljepa il tam ima 103 komentara..ajme hvala,hvala,hvala vam^^ a sada skroz novi i dugi post tj poseban post zato jer je danas moj 14 rođ..jeej pripremite see :DD

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nasi mali ljepotani-bill i tom
Daj smjesak Tom :DDDD
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Moj billic
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I evo malo iznenađenje..
Tom pjeva(mali dio)
cuti cete ga...

Omg su napasni ovi neki fanovi...Cura ga drzi za ruku i ne pusta lool
Nastavit cu kasnije...
Ne stignem..
Love ya papa
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- 13:03 - Komentari (49) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 21.05.2007.

Ajmeeee hvala na onih 71 komentara najvise do sada!!! Oboren rekord jeej...Sljedi dugi i poseban post.. :D

Jeej evo 1 hvala za tih 71 komentara "i am werry happy "^^hahahaha
Evo animacije,spotovi intervjui sve je ovdje...
evo prvo slikica nasih anđela zajedno...
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Sada slika di Bill drzi comet nagradu(2 cometa i super comet su osvojili^^)
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Vese na dodjeli...
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Ponovo tokici ^^
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A sada slike s njihovih myspaceova...
Ovo su oni ko bebe...ajoj kak slatkooo!!!
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Sada slika bill drzi naslov u ruci myspace bill
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Ovo je slikala tomova frendica koju ja znam
malo mu je falila glavu ali ipak je slatki jos^^
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Evo dopuna sljedi kasnije....

- 18:07 - Komentari (106) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 04.05.2007.

Novi post...

Evo tOKIO hOTEL JE DOBIO comet i SUPER COMET yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ovo je live koncert s Comet dodjele

A sada Tomovo pismo jednom casopisu....
Meni je bio tuzan... :(

Za mene je prijateljstvo apsolutno važno. Ono mi daje snagu. U predškolskoj sam imao svog najboljeg prijatelja. Zajedno smo uvijek tražili probleme sa učenicima iz četvrtog razreda. Nama je to bilo stvarno cool. Iako smo bili manji i mlađi nego oni drugi dječaci, uvijek smo ih mi pobjeđivali. Nažalost se moj najbolji prijatelj preselio u neki drugi grad, to je bilo stvarno tužno. Od tada se nikada više nismo viđali. Jer je on bio moj najbolji prijatelj. Zato što su naši roditelji radili, Bill i ja smo uvijek bili sami kod kuće, i ponekad kod bake. Ali kad ona nije poslijepodne više imala vremena za nas, poslali su nas u »Hort«.To sam mjesto mrzio ko kugu. Kao prvo, nismo mogli naći istu valnu dužinu sa ostalom djecom; drugo, hrana je bila užasna. Uvijek smo jeli »Mrtvu nanu«(tako su oni zvali sitno sjeckano mesu sa nekim užasnim sosom); i treće, dolje smo morali raditi zadaću. Tek kad smo bili gotovi,smjeli smo se igrati. Ali se tu uvijek puno toga dešavalo što se tiče djevojčica. Kad se s njima igra »Volkerball«(nešto slično Između dvije vatre), onda su se ponekad zaljubljivale u tebe. Tako je i počinjalo sa prvim ljubavnim pismima.
U njima je uvijek pisalo "Hoćemo li se naći kod cijevi? Da,ne ili možda?" To je bila jedna velika cijev na igralištu kroz koju se možeš provlačiti, unutra su uvijek sjedili parovi i žvalili se. Pošto su Billa i mene u Hortu toliko mrzili )morali smo otići. To je bilo super. Ali onda je došla predškolska, koja je bila tako usrana. Često sam morao da pravim neku vrstu slagalice kao kaznu. Naravno je nikad nisam uspio dovršiti. Kad je tad trebala doći škola, na početku sam bio stvarno sretan. Dobro se sjećam svog školskog paketa (»Schultute«,u Njemačkoj je običaj da se za prvi dan škole, znači prvačići, dobije jedan ogroman šareni paket koji je bio pun slatkiša), koji nije bio samo pun slatkiša nego i moje prvo nalivpero (u Njemačkoj se isključivo piše nalivperom u školi),pernica, olovke i ostali pribor. Tome sam se veoma obradovao, i osjećao sam se tako odraslo. Da sam prije znao da će biti i škola sranje kao predškolska, ne bi tu otišao ni na početku. Jer sam odmah drugog dana smatrao da je to sve sranje.U toku sata nismo smjeli međusobno razgovarati. Naravno, mi im nismo dopustili da nam ista zabrane. Naša je učiteljica bila apsolutno užasna. Odmah je na Billa i mene bacila pik. Naravno, više nismo htjeli ići tamo, ali mama nas je tjerala na to. Ali ja ipak nisam dopustio da mi itko naređuje. Niti mama. Osim ove stvari sa školom, naša mama nikad nije bila previše stroga prema nama. Ja sam uvijek imao dobar odnos sa njom. Ona je Billu i meni pomagala u svakom problemu. Uvijek smo smjeli sve sami odlučiti-tako da sad točno znam šta želim a šta ne. Ono što zasigurno uvijek hoću su: bakine špagete. Ona ih naprosto najbolje pravi-sa nekim super sosom. Čak sam pokušao da ih napravim kao što to ona radi ali mi nije išlo od ruke. Mora da tajna leži u njenoj specijalnoj servi. Zbog toga smo uvijek odmah poslije škole otišli do bake na ručak. Ona je u Magdeburgu živjela odmah do naše škole. Moj djed je bio moj idol. Kako bi se njemu svidio, čak sam trenirao karate (swatkooo). Kasnije sam mu se ispovijedao da mi se taj sport ne dopada. Prvo sam pomislio da će se razočarati, al njemu je to bilo sasvim OK...Nakon četvrtog razreda preselili smo se na selo (Loitsche,malo selo blizu Magdeburga-populacija:850 stanovnika). U školi su nas ostali dječaci htjeli otjerati, zato što smo to bili mi koji su dobivali najviše ljubavnih pisama. Ali nisu uspjeli u tome-još dan danas dobijem ljubavna pisma...

Evo dvije viva reportaze jedna je bolja od druge...Pogledat obavezno zakon jeeee....

a sada broj dva tu se bill malo raspizdio na klavir...
imaju djelovi di se bill i tom svadaju radi banae-bill zonglira...

I jedan loodi na engleskom(prijevodu)

Znate onaj stari chat s tokio hotelom na habbo e ova slika je bila tam..
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Njam bill sexy model...
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LoVe Me
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Tako mu je sexy profil-Tom
kako je jebeno zgodan Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

- 15:29 - Komentari (74) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 28.04.2007.

Hey evo novi post!!!!-post se radi ugl..o videima i intervjuima...

Ok evo novi post caca me pustio na blog....
Ovo je spot Tokio Hotel - Throught the Monsoon

Spring nicht s engleskim prjevodom-malo cudno ali ok

-ovo je nako napravio ali je tako odlicno....
a sada par fotka
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ovo ce se nastaviti tak da se strpite.....

- 21:25 - Komentari (31) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 26.04.2007.

Glupa imena postova savršenstvo se nemoze izrazit rjecima

Hey ljudi evo novi post stavit cu vam puno slika,pjesama,spotova i ostalog to je iznenađenje...
Ok pocnimo stare fotke tokio hotela...

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A sada intervjui..

Zašto se novi album zove "Zimmer 483"...
Yam!: Koja priča stoji iza imena albuma ''Zimmer 483''
Bill: Prošlog smo ljeta svi zajedno bili u Španjolskoj. Odsjeli smo u bungalovu s brojem 483. Tamo smo napisali neke pjesme za album kao što je "Wir sterben niemals aus". To je bila prva pjesma koju smo definitivno odlučili staviti na album, zato 483 za nas ima posebno značenje. Tako smo dobili ime za album.
Tom: Također smo uzeli sve instrumente i opremu a sobom i pretvorili sobu 483 u sobu za probu. Ali osim pisanja pjesama htjeli smo se i odmoriti.
Georg: Tokom dana smo većinom ležali kod bazena i odmarali se navečer i pisali pjesme.
Gustav: Nakon tako dugo vremena u studiu radujemo se prezentaciji novog albuma našim fanovima.

Tomov intervju o sexu s fanovima
BRAVO: Sex sa fanovima – što je s tim?
Tom: Može se dogoditi! Neki od naših fanova su jako slarki! Zašto bi ih isključio? (smijeh)
BRAVO: Aha! Jesi li imao posebno iskustvo s fanom?
Tom: Bila je jedna situacija prošle godine tijekom ''Schrei'' turneje. Poslije koncerta smo kao i obično išli ravno u hotel s našim tour-busom, a ispred hotela su čekali neki fanovi. Davali smo autograme nekih 30 minuta, a nakon toga sam stvarno htio ići u krevet.

BRAVO: Stvarno?
Tom: Išao sam gore s dizalom. U hodniku moje sobe stajala je jedna cura. Kad sam prošao pokraj nje jako mi se slatko nasmijala. Nasmijao sam se natrag i išao u svoju sobu.

BRAVO: Dakle ništa se nije dogodilo?
Tom: Je! (smijeh) Poslije nekoliko minuta pokucala je na moja vrata. Ja sam taman punio kadu s vodom i uključio TV. I tako gotovo odnikud na vratima je stajala ona cura iz hodnika i nasmijala mi se. Prvo sam je pitao što nije u redu. Onda je samo rekla da je stvarno htijela biti sa mnom, i slatko mi se nasmijala. Onda sam ja rekao: ,,Pa ok, biti zajedno u mojoj sobi…''. Ona se samo slatko nasmijala. Nakon toga pustio sam je unutra. Nakon koncerata postanem malo više emocionalan. Samo par sekundi nakon toga pomislio sam si da možda i nije najbolja ideja pustiti nepoznatu curu u moju sobu. Ali već je bila unutra – nisam je samo tako mogao izbaciti iz sobe, ne? (smijeh)

BRAVO: A onda si samo uskočio u kadu, ili?
Tom: Ne! Zatvorio sam špinu i uzao nam pića iz minibara. Zastori su već bili povučeni, ali ne zato što sam očekivao curu. Zastori su uvijek povučeni u mojoj sobi, te također imam i ''Ne smetaj'' znak na vratima – čak i kad sam više od jednog dana u hotelu. Ne volim kad mi odjednom netko upadne u sobu da napuni minibar ili tako nešto. Ooops, skrenuo sam s teme…

BRAVO: Objasni što se onda dogodilo?
Tom: Samo smo sjedili na krevetu i smješkali se jedno drugome. U međuvremenu bi ponekad pogledavala u TV ali nije ništa rekla. Onda sam joj rekao: ''Za nekog tko želi biti sa mnom, jako si tiha.'' (ma daj, ja bi te zgrabila još na ulazu, jebeš piće… =P ). Ona se onda osmjehnula i prišla malo bliže. Nakon toga, sve je išlo ''ko podmazano''. (Haha, oprostite ali baš sam morala upotrijebit ovu riječ. Tako dobro opisuje što se dalje dogodilo… hihi…)

BRAVO: I kako je bilo?
Tom: Bilo je fantastično! Vjerujem da smo oboje imali dobru večer. Naravo, neću ulaziti u detalje. Ali imala je 17 godina i uskoro je slavila 18.

BRAVO: Jeste li proslavili njezin rođendan?
Tom: Ne (smijeh)! Njen rođendan je bio nekoliko dana kasnije. (Ali sigurna sam da joj je ovo bio lijepi, ''uranjeni'' poklon… =P) Ali to bi bilo jako veselo.

BRAVO: Što se dogodilo poslije sexa?
Tom: Nakon toga smo bili jako gladni i nazvao sam poslugu u sobu. Šteta što je već bilo preko 23 sata jer su tada imalai samo noćni menu. Jako sam žudio za nečim s dnevnog menua. Zanimalo m da li i ona to voli jer mi je to najdraže. Nagovarao sam jednog čovjeka iz posluge oko 10 minuta dok nije popustio. Nakon nekoliko minuta večerali smo paštu s umakon od rajčice i sirom.

BRAVO: Jesi li ju vidio više od jedne večeri?
Tom: Ne, iako je bilo jako lijepo, ostalo je samo na toj jednoj večeri. Pitao sam je za broj mobitela i dala mi ga je. Nasmijala se i rekla da je ionako neću nazvati, i nije to očekivala, i da ne trebam ništa reći na to. Nije to stvarno mislila jer je i dalje zvučaa slatko.

BRAVO: A jesi li ju nazvao?
Tom: Ne, ne još. (Hihihi, naughty boy… sad će on. Trebalo mu je samo koliko? Ummm oko pola godine?!)

BRAVO: Bi li ju možda nazvao na svoju sljedeću turneju?
Tom: Možda, ali nikad ne znate što će se dogoditi na sljedećoj turneji. Obično ne planiram takve stvari. Kad se tako nešto samo dogodi, puno je bolje! Ja to jednostavno volim, jednostavno sam takav. Bill je potpuno drugačiji u takvim stvarima, on čeka na svoju pravu ljubav i ne shvaća da ja smatram one-night-stands jako emocionalnima, bez obzira ako su se dogodile spontano ili ne. Kad pričam s Billom o tome mogao bi me upucati (smijeh) – ali naravno, nisam mu to rekao, imamo dovoljno drugi stvari za pričati u kojima se slažem

BamS 18.02.2007: TOM: “10-minutno jaje za doručak”

Moja nedjelja;
Da je po mome, spavao bi cijeli dan. Ali ove nedjelje nije po mome, bend je ''šef''. Pa moram ustati u 12 sati.

Jer, trenutno vježbamo za našu turneju u studiu u Hamburgu – a tamo i spavamo. U stanu koji je dio studia.

Nasreću, Gustav ima zadatak da danas kupi hruh – pa tako ja mogu spavati par minuta duže.

Onda, svi zajedno imamo doručak. Za mene je to topla čokolada, čaj od peperminta, kroasan od čokolade i 10-minutno jaje. Pečem ga 10 minuta jer je onda dovoljno tvrdo.

U 14 sati počinje proba. Trenutno vježbamo akustične djelove. Zasada ne mogu više otkriti. Sve ostalo je velika tajna.

Pretpostavljam da za mene nema ništa više osim pizze Margharite do 22 sata.

Nakon toga Bill, Georg, Gustav i ja se malo odmaramo, provjerimo naše e-mailove, pogledamo šta ima na TV-u ili iskoristimo Gustavovu veliku kolekciju DVD-a.

Svi smo aktivni noću, ali jednostavno nije moguće ići kasno u krevet, jer imamo probe ponovno sljedeći dan.
Zlatna ploca...jej....
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Ok neznam kaj ovaj radi ali...
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U meni polako postaje hladno
Koliko dugo možemo oboje još biti ovdje
Ostani ovdje
Sjene me žele dohvatiti
Ali ako idemo, idemo samo u dvoje
Ti si sve što sam ja
I sve što teče mojim venama
Uvijek ćemo se podupirati
Bez obzira, kuda išli
Bez obzira, koliko duboko
Ne želim biti sam ondje
Pusti nas da idemo zajedno u noć
Jednog dana bit će vrijeme
Pusti nas da idemo zajedno u noć...

Ok znate da je ovo s scream spota
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us-Pazi ovo bill se na neki nacin smije onak a tom je do njega...(gledaju)
Glete frajere...kako su sexy...
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Ovo su neka mala djeca novi twinseki(ha,ha)medeno
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Zamjena uloga..
hmm bas bi me zanimalo kak ovo zvuci??
a kakvu facu rafi...
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Ovo bi mislim zvucalo ok
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Ajme sto se prepo kad je vidio bilove nokte...
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Tako je presladak....Ajme nemogu vjerovat kako je sladak..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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So sexy Tokio Hotel
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Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com

- 13:07 - Komentari (49) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 21.04.2007.


Hey ljudi evo novi post...
Stavit cu neke vjesti i neke pikčrs te intervjue...
Ok Zajebancija u blatu...Pazite fotke su velike...
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Ok ja sam krepala od smjeha kad sam vidila ovu fotku tak je smjesna....
Mislim ono malo je pa daj pogledaj kak bill gleda ko da hoce udavit nekog...

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Ok sada intervjui...
BRAVO: Kako je bilo snimanje?
Bill: Jako iscrpljujuće! Ovaj smo video snimali u dvije noći. Prvu noć sa cijelim bendom a drugu noć samo ja. Srećom kretali smo u 17:00 sati. Baš moje vrijeme! (smijeh)

BRAVO: Bilo je jako mokro i hladno. Stajao si tamo samo u majici kratkih rukava. Kako si preživio?
Bill: Treslo mi se cijelo tijelo. Ali kad bi ugasili kameru obukao bih toplu jaknu. Također smo imali vrući čak i toplu čololadu. I topla peciva. I to je pomoglo!

BRAVO: Igraš nekoga tko želi počiniti samoubojstvo – kako si se uživio u tu ulogu?
Bill: Nije bilo lako. U trenutku kad kamera počne snimati moram si predočiti taj osjećaj i to samo kroz jedan pogled. Dečki su već vidjeli video i misle da sam dobro odradio posao.

BRAVO: Nije li te bilo strah dok si stajao na rubu onog krova?
Bill: Imam mali strah od visina. Srećom bio sam spojen sa dvije žice. Osjećao sam se puno sigurnije.

BRAVO: Jesi li ikad razmišljao o samoubojstvu?
Bill: Ne, ne još! Naravno da ljudi ponekad imaju problema i nije ni kod mene sve super – ali nisam još mislio na to da se ubijem!

BRAVO: Znaš li ikoga iz obitelji ii od prijatelja tko je počinio samoubojtsvo?
Bill: Ne. Ali mnogo mladih ljudi oko nas imaju težak život. Često su s nama o tome razgovarali. Zato mislim da je bilo od važnosti da napravimo ovu pjesmu. Sa mojim dijelovima spasitelja i očajne osobe želim reći ljudima da ne odustaju! Kada znaš nekoga tko se želi ubiti, moraš učiniti sve što je u tvojoj moći da mu ponovno vratiš nadu u život!

BRAVO: Jesu li ti fanovi pričali o tome?
Bill: Da. Dobili smo puno pisama od fanova koji su nam pisali da su spremni odustati. Rekli su nam da im je naša glazba pomogla da nastave. To je naravno najljepša stvar koju možeš čuti.

BRAVO: Bojiš li se smrti?
Bill: Da, ne boje li se svi?! Ali Tom se više boji, jednostavno voli život previše. Ja također volim život ali zastrašujuće je kad netko koga znaš umire. Ali jednostavno ne želiš o tome razmišljati. Ljudi se ponekad samo otežavaju život.

BRAVO: Vjeruješ li u život poslije smrti?
Bill: Jednostavno mora postojati nešto ali ne znam što bi to moglo biti. Jednostavno ne može sve tako završiti…

BRAVO: Što želiš biti u svom sljedećem životu?
Bill: želim biti pas! (smijeh) Imaju dobar život. Samo spavaju cijeli dan, jedu i maze ih po cijele dane.

BRAVO: Koliko star želiš postati?
Bill: jako star! Ali također ovisi. Ako bih bio jako bolestan ne bih to htio, ali ako bihimao 85 godina i još uvijek bio zdrav i uživao u životu – to bi bilo super!

BRAVO: Kakav je djed-Bill?
Bill: Boah, jednostavno ne mogu zamisliti ni kako ću izgledati kad budem stariji. Ali mislim da ću bitit cool djed!

INTERVJU BROJ 2Ovo mi je tako sweet
Intervju s Tomom i Billom!

Hey:Da li postoji nešto što misliš da si nikad nećeš moći oprostiti?
Bill:Da. Kada sam udario Toma!

Hey:Hoćeš li nam ispričati?
Bill:Ovako:Tom, Gustav, Georg i ja smo igrali monopol, a oni su me nešto zafrkavali. Ja sam se naljutio i krenuo prema vratima kada je došao Tom i rekao:"Ma nemoj ići, samo smo se šalili" Bio sam strašno nervozan i kako bih prošao gurnuo sam ga. On je pao, udario glavom o zid i onesvjestio se (Uh! Jadan Tom! Nisam mislila da je Bill tako jak!) PREPAO SAM SE!!! Gustav je odmah pozvao hitnu pomoć. Odvezli su ga. Dok smo bili u kombiju od hitne pomoći ja sam ležao na njegovom trbuhu, plakao i govorio:"Oprosti, bilo je slučajno, oprosti, neću više..." (Izgleda da se stvarno prepao!) I to sam tako ponavljao kad mi je medicinska sestra rekla:"Dobro je dečko, upropastit češ mu maicu!" A to je rekla jer sam imao šminku oko očiju koja se od plakanja razmazala.

Hey:Uh... Tom, je li ti imaš nešto što misliš da si nećeš oprostiti ?
Tom:Da. To što sam se tog dana onesvjestio. I zbog toga Billa stalno grize savjest! Bill me poslje toga nije nikada jako udario, nisam ni ja njega, naravno!

Hey:Što je Billu mama na to rekla?
Tom:Ništa. Bill je bio previše potresen i preplašen da bi mu išta rekla!

BRAVO : Sada ste ispunili vaš najveći san,koji je vaš drugi san ?
Gustav : MI samo zelimo jednu stvar: koncert u Tokiju
Bill : Da , to je čudesan grad
Tom : Bilo bi cool svirati tamo
BRAVO :što je vaš san iz djetinjstva?
Georg :Ja sam želio biti kralj *smjeh*
Bill : Ja sam zelio biti u BRAVU...
Tom :A moj je san bio da postanem kauboj. čak sam se i oblačio kao kauboj.
Bill : Ahhh,da, to je istina. A ja sam zelio biti čarobnjak.
Tom : Ti si mali čarobnjak!
Gustav : Ti si lud".Ja sam uvjek želio svirati sa Fill Colinsom.
BRAVO : šta bi promjenili na sebi, da imate tu mogučnost?
Georg : Moje uši. Da, i želio bih biti više točniji .
Tom : Bilo bi mi drago da sam malo više strpljiviji.
Bill : Ja sam apsolutni egoista. Bilo bi dobro da malo brinem za ostale.
Gustav : A ja se jako brzo iritiram. Bilo bi bolje da sam malo smiren.
BRAVO : šta zelite promjeniti kod svojih clanova benda?
Georg : Gustav se ne bi trebao tući svaki put kad ga iziritiramo.
Gustav : Bill se ne bi tebao ponašati kao primadona ,a Tom kao mačo tip.
BRAVO : Koje su želje za vas nastup?
Bill : Da napunimo stadion!
BRAVO: Da li imate jos zelja i snova?
Georg : Moramo prvo živjeti ovaj san . To je tek početak
Ok ovo su fotke s echo dodjele nagrada napokon ih nasla...
Echo njemacke dodjele nagrada...
Tokio Hotel..jejjjj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evo u slucaju da ga ne vidite podebljala sam dodjelu...
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Kao sto vidite neke slike su s OVOG BLOGA
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A neke s neta...
Evo ljudi moji to je to za danas ocekujem cak i vise od 46 komentara ovaj put,hehe...
Ajd Chaooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 14:17 - Komentari (56) - Isprintaj - #

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